The app is designed to visualize biogeographic patterns of fish genetic diversity. So, we mined the Barcode Of Life database to extract mitochondrial barcode sequences of Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit 1 (COI) from marine and freshwater actinopterygii species.
Genetic diversity was estimated as the mean number of mutations per base pair for COI sequence across species within each cell on a worldwide grid with a 200-km spatial resolution.
The colour gradient represents the relative variation of intraspecific genetic diversity: the reddest square cells have the highest genetic diversity.
WFGD was developped by Pierre-Edouard GUERIN and supports the following paper:
Global determinants of freshwater and marine fish genetic diversity
Stéphanie Manel, Pierre-Edouard Guerin, David Mouillot, Simon Blanchet, Laure Velez, Camille Albouy & Loïc Pellissier
Nature communications. 2020 Feb 10. DOI:
The source code of the method is available at:
Last updated in February 2021