Welcome to CropTraits

The CropTraits Database, defined as a multiple-crops database, focuses on ecophysiological traits related to resource use and acquisition of cultivated plants


The CropTraits Database is composed of multi-sources with heterogeneous data including compilated data from litterature or other databases, data from our experiments and from our collaborators. The data are currently private and only available to our collaborators.

The database is configured for a minimal set of traits and is flexible enough to enter more traits, species, genotypes and ancillary data.

The database allows collecting data at different levels from general information about plant material description, including taxonomy and origin of material, to environnemental conditions and methods of measurements.

Browse database

Browse by Traits

Display available data per taxon for a chosen trait.

Browse by Taxon

Display available data per trait for a chosen taxon.

Choose one or multiple functional group then one taxon to display the corresponding available traits data

Relationship between SLA and LNC

GLOPNET is a multi-investigator group studying and accumulating global data on plants traits. The dataset comprised data for 2548 species from 175 sites around the world representing every major biome. This dataset can be used as a comparison reference.

Select parameters of interest then click the visualize button to display the matching data on the plot.
Several conditions can be added on the same plot like layers. Previous plotting can be erased by hitting the reset button.

Trait variability


Get Data

Fields description Taxon table

Filter the database regarding your needs. If a field is left empty, no filter will be applied on this field. For example : no taxon selected means that all taxon will be returned.

Owners of some of the data you selected will be informed about the download. Please provide a valid email adress (mandatory) and a summary of your project (optional).
Download data

Contribute to CropTraits

Click here to contribute to the database

You will be redirected to the ERC Contraints project site which contain a process to follow to submit you data.

About CropTraits

The CropTraits Database, defined as a multiple-crops database, focuses on ecophysiological traits related to resource use and acquisition of cultivated plants. The main goal of the database is to analyse if the functional profile (phenotypic space) of domesticated species is similar to that of wild plants.

Cite the application

“CropTraits, A. Vaillant, CEFE-CNRS, 2024”


PI of the project : Cyrille Violle - cyrille.violle@cefe.cnrs.fr
CropTraits designer : Axel Vaillant - axel.vaillant@cefe.cnrs.fr